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R³ Devotional - Day 70

R³ Devotional - Day 70 from Deuteronomy Chapters 1-2

By:Kevin King

Real Life Principles. 

Moses addresses the people of Israel who are about to go into the promised land after 40 years in the desert. The word he gives them is directly from God. If you want a word from God, read the word of God.

Moses starts off by reminding the Israelites of how God has been with them. In verse 8 Moses reminded them how God told them to go into the Promised Land, that he had promised to their forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. In verse 21 he reminds them that God told them to go into the land and take it as a possession.  He also told them to not be afraid. He made it clear that it was their land that he was giving to them, but as we see in the following verses, they did not trust the Lord. They sent men to spy out the land and saw that the land was good, but they also saw that there were giants there, and they became afraid and said we can't do it, even after God had told them that he had already given them the victory.

Relevant Life Application.

Because of their lack of faith, they were not allowed to go into the promised land except for Caleb and Joshua who believed in the Lord and were insistent on going in and taking the land. Hebrews 11:6 says without faith it is impossible to please God. The other 10 men from the other 10 tribes did not have faith. They did not trust God had given them the victory. Do you have things in your life that you struggle with? Addiction, anxiety or doubt or depression?

God has given you victory. Trust in the word of God and stop begging God for a victory that he's already given you. If we live our life for God we can trust that God is with us. We can have faith in God, the Victory Is Ours.

Ready Action Steps.

Stop allowing your lack of faith to keep you in the desert. Start walking in the Promised Land.  The land where victory has been given to us from God. We can walk in a place of no doubt and not be anxious and not have depression and not have addiction, because we have victory through Jesus Christ Our Lord.





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