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R³ Devotional - Day 57

R³ Devotional - Day 57 from Numbers Chapter 7

By: Brook Serres


In Numbers 7, we see something beautiful unfold: the leaders of Israel come together, each bringing an offering to dedicate the altar. It’s easy to skim through these chapters and think it’s all about animals and precious items being given, but at the heart of it, this moment is about obedience, unity, and God’s presence.

Imagine what it must have been like for those leaders. They knew their offerings would pave the way for God to meet with them in a special way. Each of them gave from the heart, following God’s instructions down to the last detail. It wasn’t about the size of the gift—it was about the surrender of their hearts.

What does this mean for us? We, too, are called to offer something to God—our time, our talents, our hearts. We’re invited to step into a life of obedience, just like the leaders did, trusting that God will meet us in our offering. And like those tribes, when we offer what we have in unity with others, we create space for God to show up and bless us.
Key Themes: Real Life Principles

  1. Obedience in the Small Things:
    These leaders didn’t just show up and give whatever they wanted. They followed God’s exact instructions, knowing that their obedience mattered. It wasn’t about what made sense to them—it was about trusting God. In our everyday lives, we’re often faced with moments where God asks us to obey in small or big ways. Whether it’s showing kindness when it’s hard, taking a step of faith, or listening to His guidance, our obedience matters. Even the small acts of obedience honor God and open the door for Him to work in our lives.

  2. Unity in Worship and Service:
    The beauty of this chapter is the way the tribes came together with one common purpose: to dedicate the altar and serve God. Though each offering was unique to the tribe, they all came with the same heart of worship. Similarly, in the body of Christ, we’re all different, with our own gifts and strengths, but we are called to come together, united in our worship and service. We may have different roles, but we all contribute to God’s work in the world. When we bring our offerings together—whether in our church, family, or community—it’s a powerful act of unity.

  3. God Accepts Our Offerings:
    What stands out in this chapter is that God didn’t just receive the offerings; He accepted them. He was pleased. This reminds us that God isn’t looking for perfection in our gifts—He’s looking for hearts that are willing to give. Our offerings don’t need to be grand or perfect; they just need to be given with love and sincerity. Whether it’s a kind word, a small act of service, or a moment spent in prayer, when we offer it to God with a sincere heart, He is pleased.

  4. God’s Presence:
    The greatest gift of all in this chapter is the promise of God’s presence. After these offerings, God’s glory filled the tabernacle. That’s what happens when we offer our lives to God—His presence becomes real and tangible in our lives. God’s presence isn’t just a distant thing; it’s something He longs to share with us, in the everyday moments of our lives. When we give Him our hearts in obedience, we make space for Him to dwell with us.

  5. Consistency in Worship:                                                                                                  
    The repetitive nature of the offerings can seem almost monotonous at first glance. But when we pause to reflect, we realize that this consistency is deeply profound. Worship, when it’s done consistently, becomes more than just an act—it becomes a way of life. Each tribe’s offering wasn’t a one-time gesture; it was an ongoing commitment, a daily choice to honor God, even in the small, seemingly insignificant moments. In our own lives, consistency in worship isn’t always glamorous, and it often doesn’t come with immediate rewards or recognition. But it’s in the quiet, daily acts of devotion—whether it's a simple prayer in the morning, a moment of gratitude in the middle of a busy day, or choosing to trust God even when the circumstances are hard—that our hearts are gradually transformed. Consistency isn’t about perfection; it’s about perseverance. It’s about showing up for God, day after day, offering ourselves, even when we don’t “feel” it, because we trust that He is worthy, regardless of our emotions or the outcomes. Consistent worship transforms our hearts, shaping it into a continuous act of surrender and trust in God.
Application: Relevant Life Applications/Ready for action.

  1. How can I be more obedient today?
    Just like the leaders of Israel, God may be asking us to take steps of obedience in our lives. Maybe it’s a prompt to reach out to someone, a call to trust Him with a decision, or simply to be faithful in the small things. Is there something God is asking you to do today? Take a moment to reflect on how you can be obedient to His call.

  2. How can I contribute to unity?
    Unity in the body of Christ is so powerful. We all have something unique to offer, and when we come together, we glorify God. How can you contribute to the unity in your church, family, or community? Maybe it’s by serving alongside others, offering your gifts, or simply encouraging someone in their walk with God.

  3. Are there areas in my life where I need to offer more to God?
Sometimes we hold parts of our lives back from God. Are there areas where you haven’t fully surrendered to Him? Maybe it’s your time, your relationships, or your worries. Remember, God isn’t looking for perfection, just a willing heart. What can you offer to Him today?


Thank You for the example of the leaders of Israel in Numbers 7. Their obedience and unity remind us that when we offer ourselves to You, You are pleased. Help us to bring our hearts, our time, and our gifts with sincerity, trusting that You accept our offerings, no matter how small they may seem. We want to live in obedience to You today and create space for Your presence in our lives. Unite us with others in worship and service, and may we always remember that You are with us, guiding us.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.





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