R³ Devotional - Day 36
R³ Devotional - Day 36 from Exodus Chapter 20
By: Michael Serres
Exodus chapter 20 is where God delivers the 10 commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai, outlining a set of moral laws that govern the Israelites relationship with each other and their relationship with God. Essentially establishing a covenant between God and the Israelites based on their deliverance from Egypt. The 10 commandments provide a guide for how to live a life that honors God.
Real: Life Principles
- Worship God alone: The first commandment states “You shall have no other god before Me.” This establishes the base of the covenant, that God is the only true God.
- Keep the Sabbath holy: the commandment to keep the sabbath holy establishes the importance of work and rest in God’s order.
- Respect in human relationships: Verses 12-17 and the commandments within them emphasize how we are to treat one another and treat each other with respect. Highlighting community, family, and personal integrity.
Relevant: Life Applications
- We should treat other people with care. This chapter of Exodus tells us people should honor their parents and should respect and care for their elders. That people should not lie to or about other people.
- God expects us to avoid immoral acts such as murder, stealing, committing adultery, or lying. This also includes coveting what others may have.
- God wants us to live in obedience so that our lives honor Him. Not only that, the laws he wishes us to follow also leads us to live the best life possible for us. While we cannot follow God's law perfectly we should attempt to honor God as best we can.
Ready: Life Action Steps
- Spiritual practice: Regularly engage in prayer, meditation, and bible study to strengthen your relationship with God.
- Ethical conduct: Act with integrity in all aspects of life including work, relationships, and community service.
- Honesty: Speak honestly and avoid gossip, lies, or any speech that would not honor God.
- Conflict: address every conflict or disagreement calmly and honestly, avoiding violence.
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