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R³ Devotional - Day 56

R³ Devotional - Day 56 from Numbers Chapters 5-6

By: Jose Maldonado

Numbers 5 and 6 are chapters both focus on purity, holiness, and specific practices.

 Numbers 5
Instructions are given to ensure the cleanliness of the Israelite camp by removing anyone who has a defiling disease or issue. Guidelines for making restitution when someone wrongs another, including confessing the sin and making full restitution plus a fifth of the value. Detailed procedures for a ritual to determine a wife’s faithfulness if her husband suspects she has been unfaithful.

Numbers 6
The regulations for the Nazirite vow, a special commitment to God involving abstaining from wine, not cutting hair, and avoiding contact with the dead. The chapter concludes with the Priestly Blessing, a well-known benediction which is a modern worship song “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”

Real Life Principles.
God desires physical, moral, and spiritual purity.
Making restitution is proper for offensenses.
Marriage requires faithfulness and trust as values of high importance.
Making vows is fine, you just have to keep it.
Blessings for others should flow from our heart and mouth to their ears and heart.  

Relevant Life Applications.
Know yourself and put boundaries and guidelines so you can maintain a pure testimony.
Make amends, even if you have to pay.
Invest in your Marriage.
Fast.. set a time to dedicate it to the Lord.
Make it a practice to verbally, out loud pray for others.

Real Action Steps.
Daily spiritual checkups are a must. Make your own list to help you.
Ask God if there is someone, you have offended and make amends.
Calender your time with God.
This week be intentional and pray a blessing over someone in person. Do not be shy!!!





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