R³ Devotional - Day 7
R³ Devotional - Day 7 from Job Chapter 14-16
By: Jennifer Novosad
Real: Life Principles: What truths or principles are found?
- Job mentioned that life is short and full of trouble. We know that John 16:33 states, "In this world you will have trouble but take heart I have overcome the world. This is why we need Jesus.
- Job mentioned who can produce something pure from what is impure. We sin because we are born sinners. This is why we need Jesus.
- Job mentioned a tree has more hope than he does. Isaiah 6:13 Though the tenth will remain in the land it will burn again like the terebinth or the oak that leaves a stump when felled, the holy seed in the stump. Isaiah 11.1 Then a shoot will grow from the stump of Jesse and a branch from his roots will bear fruit. This is Jesus.
- Job is uncertain about the afterlife. He wants to go to the Sheol (place of comfort instead of living) . He has a glimpse of hope to look forward to. Jesus made a way for us to look forward to Heaven to be with Him.
- Job mentioned his rebellion would be sealed and covered up. Jesus forgets and throws our sins away.
- Eliphaz is accusing Job as being self righteous, being prideful, and wicked. He is accusing Job of not fearing God. Eliphaz has no clue about Job's prayer life or his relationship with the Lord. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7
- Job is realizing he would be a better comforter to his friends if they were in trouble. Job has experienced suffering and knows how to show compassion towards others.
- Many of Job's hardships parallel that of Jesus' hardships. vs. 8-17 Job’s prayers were pure. Jesus is PURE.
- After every hardship that Job had experienced he still declared God is his witness. Jesus is his mediator. It didn’t matter what his friends told him or said about him, he knew the truth.
Real life Applications: How can this be applied?
- Know that you will go through hardships but if you have Jesus then you can get through anything.
- Do not hold onto your sins and live in regrets. Jesus forgives and erases sins if you ask for forgiveness. None of us are pure and perfect.
- We need Jesus or we will wither and be casted away. The world is not our home. Our home is in Heaven with Jesus. Don’t let your final home be in the fire.
- Jesus knows your heart. It does not matter what people say or do that can change what Jesus thinks and knows about you.
- Show compassion and empathy towards others during their hard times. We all been there!
- Jesus experienced suffering and He knows how you feel. Let Him be your Mediator and Comforter.
Ready Life Actions: What will your next action steps be?
- Keep your eyes on Jesus during the ups and downs
- Have empathy towards others who are struggling
- When people go against you or spread lies about you, remember who your Defender knows the truth.
- Stay humble, not prideful
- Check your heart
- Pray and stay in the Word
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