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R³ Devotional - Day 23

R³ Devotional - Day 23 from Genesis Chapters 32-34

By: Mary Beth Wesley

Genesis 32:
Jacob prepares to meet Esau and keeps his faith even in his fear. He acknowledges his reality and praises God for his provision. Later, he wrestles with God and has a moment of transformation when God renames him Israel.

Genesis 33:
Jacob finally meets Esau after sending many before him.  He ends up deceiving him even after a good reunion because of his fear. This is “old Jacob” not “new Israel”. Jacob blatantly disobeys God by going to Shechem. We learn that sacrifice without obedience will leave you tremendously lacking.

Genesis 34:
Jacob’s disobedience to God left his family exposed to ungodly influences in Shechem. Dinah was defiled and his sons followed in his “old Jacob” footsteps. They planned to deceive the Shechemites and harshly disgraced God’s covenant of circumcision.

  • Keep your faith, even in fear of the unknown.

  • Acknowledge your reality and praise God for all he has done.

  • Be aware of moments of transformation.

  • Know that children will follow in your example.
  • Realize that difficult circumstances can change your heart - let God guide you in the valleys.

  • Rely on God’s promises.

  • Don’t dwell on the past, keep moving forward in your newness with Christ.

  • Follow God's commands in your life.
  • Ask God to change your heart.

  • Pray for contentment.

  • Walk confidently in your new identity in Christ.

  • Listen for God’s direction in your life.





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