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R³ Devotional - Day 20

R³ Devotional - Day 20 from Genesis Chapters 25-26

By: Bessy Arguijo

In today's chapters, we can read about Abraham’s life coming to an end. We can identify the impact of how trusting and obeying God marked his life, the promises that were fulfilled, resulting in blessings to him and his offspring, especially Isaac. We get to know how Isaac started his family, the dynamics between them; several situations they live, and the way they faced them.
Real: Life Principles 

  • Our lives on this earth are finite. (Genesis 3:19; Ecclesiastes 9:5-6)

  • God fulfills his promises because of obedience. In Genesis 12:1-3 God calls Abraham and details all the blessings he will obtain by obeying Him. As his life concluded, we can read and confirm about all the children he had and how they multiplied. (Gn. 12:2; 17:4,20). In Genesis 26: 5 God reminds Isaac the obedience demonstrated by his father.
  • Prayer is IMPORTANT, personal, and our main communication method with God. (Genesis 25:21-23) Isaac, just like his parents, was having difficulties starting his family. He prayed to God, 20 years later He granted his plea. When Rebeca felt the struggle her kids had inside her womb; she asked God in prayer for understanding and He answered.

  • In nuclear families, parent-children relationships are important and set the foundation on how siblings will get along as they grow.

  • Genesis 25:29-34; 26:7 These verses show us when there is physical/mental exhaustion or if we feel fear, that can make us prone to not examine situations thoroughly. 
Relevant: Life Applications 

  • Our physical bodies will die, yet God has extended us grace and granted salvation from eternal death through Jesus. If we have understood what he has done for us and have personally received this gift, our sins are forgiven.  Our physical bodies on this earth will perish, but we have the peace and joy we will live eternally with him. That’s worth celebrating! Nothing or nobody can take away from us that gift. (John 3:16, John 10:28, Rom.6:23, Hebrews 9:28, Ephesians 2:8-9)

  • Trust God's promises.  They are reassuring proof of His love and care towards us, and they can be found throughout the Bible. Take into consideration that many of them require obedience from us, such as Exodus 20:12.z

  • We need to be in constant prayer. Philippians 5:6-7 and 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 encourage us to: not be anxious, talk with God without ceasing, and be always thankful.

  • Our roles in our family matter. As mothers and fathers, we need to ask wisdom to God to be able to raise our kids. Since a young age, we need to be intentional on sharing about God and the gospel to our children (Proverbs 22:6).  

  • We are humans and can easily fall into favoritism, with a child that has similar interests or personality. Eventually that can create divisions among parents and siblings. Parents must work together and strive to follow the Christian household instructions shared in Ephesians 5:21-33 and 6:1-4.

  • In this crazy world we live in, daily we need to make a pause, to give our bodies and minds rest. Just like we rest, we must feed with God’s word. God's word prepares us for heavy days, especially when the enemy wants to attack us. God’s word gives us wisdom, so when we find ourselves in hard situations, we can trust God first and don’t let our heart or emotions act. (Hebrews 4:12, Ephesians 6:11-17, Psalm 119)
Ready: Life Actions

  • Check your priorities: Analyze if God is #1 in your life and the center of your family. If you realize it’s not like that, ask for guidance, surround yourself with godly people, visit church regularly, serve and encourage your family to draw closer to God.

  • Spend time daily in God’s word and prayer. Memorize scripture the best you can.

  • Go tell on the mountains! Share the gospel with everyone you know. Once we die, we no longer have a chance to share it. Once they die and don’t know Jesus, they’ll die eternally.

  • If you are single, and in the future want to have a family, pray for your future spouse and ask God for wisdom as you get to know that person and plan a life together.

  • If you are married with no children, ask God to prepare you and your spouse for that time and to help you work as a team before, during and after raising children. Let God be the center of your marriage.

  •  If you are married and already have children, ask God to use you and your spouse to draw your children closer to Him. Let God be the center of your marriage and pray for future generations.

God Bless You!





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