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R³ Devotional - Day 26

R³ Devotional - Day 26 from Genesis Chapter 41-42

By: Carole Rinehart

There are many lessons in these two chapters. Waiting on God's timing, Confidence in God's plan, Living a life that pleases God, Pointing people to God, The weight of sin, Forgiveness, and more. I would like to focus on two. First, living a life that pleases God.

Joseph was hated by his brothers, sold into slavery, falsely accused and imprisoned.
And now it’s been 2 years since Joseph was forgotten in prison. 
We all love the words of Romans 8:28… all things work together for good to those who love God, but don’t forget the next verse, Romans 8:29… He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, 
The road to conforming to the image of Christ is long and bumpy.
God spoke through Joseph, using Joseph as a guide to Pharaoh. Some of us wish God would give us such supernatural guidance.

Many of us want guidance from God like a map, showing where to go and what to do. Instead, often He comes to us as a Guide, saying “Stay close to Me, and I’ll guide you along the way.” Instead of looking for a map, look for Him.

Verse 37-38 Pharaoh had plenty of priests, magicians, and holy men. What he did not have was a man with the “Spirit of God”. This made Joseph stand out among the others ([38] Can we find such a one as this).

This may be the first mention in the Bible of the Holy Spirit coming upon a man. Joseph didn’t have to preach a sermon or lead a prayer for Pharaoh to see the Spirit of God upon him. He could see it in his character, in his message, in his knowledge, in his wisdom, and in his humility.

We are supposed to bless those with whom we come into contact. Jesus called this being the salt of the earth… people who are called to make a difference wherever they are sprinkled.

Pray that the Holy Spirit can be seen in us. Our character, love for others, and being content with the life God has given us.

Genesis 42

Second, is the weight of sin and the hope of forgiveness.
Joseph's brothers feel guilt and interpret their troubles as punishment for past sins. Unrepentant sin often weighs us down, affecting our peace and well-being. The weight of sin breaks our connection to God, damages earthly relationships, and limits our joy.

Genesis 42:22 - "But Reuben replied, 'Didn’t I tell you not to harm the boy? But you wouldn’t listen. Now we must account for his blood!'"

Reuben acknowledges the consequences of their past sin and the need to account for it.
Joseph didn't immediately tell them who he was or show forgiveness. When we're hurt, especially by family or someone close to us it's very difficult to trust again.

Joseph tested his brothers until he saw there had been a change of heart. If sin burdens you, remember:

True repentance involves a complete change of heart and mind, turning away from sin and actively pursuing a life aligned with God's will.

Also, God has forgiven each of us much and we should work to forgive.
We must forgive, even when it hurts or can't be resolved.






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