R³ Devotional - Day 30
R³ Devotional - Day 30 from Exodus Chapters 1-3
By: Daniel Arguijo
Exodus 2:25 “God saw the people of Israel—and God knew.”
This passage narrates the beginning of the wonderful story of God’s people being saved from Egyptian slavery. After Joseph had passed, the Egyptians were threatened by how the Jewish people were prospering and decided to make them slaves, but God heard their cry and sent them Moses, by whom they would be led to freedom.
This specific verse 2:25, caught my attention, after the people of Israel groaned and cried for help, it says that God saw, and knew.
This passage narrates the beginning of the wonderful story of God’s people being saved from Egyptian slavery. After Joseph had passed, the Egyptians were threatened by how the Jewish people were prospering and decided to make them slaves, but God heard their cry and sent them Moses, by whom they would be led to freedom.
This specific verse 2:25, caught my attention, after the people of Israel groaned and cried for help, it says that God saw, and knew.
Real: Life Principles
- God knows: The Israelites cried to the Lord, and chapter 2 vs 24 says God heard them. God knows our troubles; God hears our prayers; God is looking out for us. When God calls Moses to deliver his people, chapter 3, verse 7, he states again, I’ve seen the affliction, I know their sufferings. He never leaves us.
- God has a plan: After hearing the Israelites' prayer, God has a plan for their redemption. He sent them Moses, who would lead the way towards freedom from Egyptian slavery. Just as he sent a savior for the Israelites, he also sent a savior for all humanity to free us from sin.
Relevant: Life Applications
- We can be assured we believe in a God who can hear us, knows our suffering, and knows exactly what we are going through. God always looks out for us, and we can confidently say we have a loving, caring God who will always be there for us.
- We need to remember we have a sovereign God who is always in control, and he has a plan for each of us. We can rest in that, knowing that no matter the circumstance, our God will always look out for his children. We can see that for the Israelites through the Old Testament, and we can surely know he has delivered us from our sufferings as well.
- Jesus is our savior. As God sent multiple leaders, people who he used to save the people of Israel from difficult situations, our savior is Jesus. He is the only one we need for anything we are going through.
Ready: Life Action Steps
- Pray confidently, knowing that God hears us. He is a loving and caring God who is in the lookout for his children.
- Do not lose your Joy. God has shown us he is always faithful and in control of our lives, he will always have a plan for us that will be a blessing for our lives.
- The only savior we need is Jesus, nothing we can do, nothing else we can find will be as good as Jesus. If you don’t know him as your personal savior today is a good day to do it.
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