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R³ Devotional - Day 3

R³ Devotional - Day 3 from Genesis 8

By: Lee Dye

As the past year comes to an end, we can look at the new year as new beginnings.
Genesis Chapter 8; some Bibles title this chapter as “the God of New Beginnings”. It is a great demonstration of inspiration. Noah trusted God’s promise and his faith showed in vs. “10. He waited another seven days, and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark. 11 And the dove came back to him in the evening, and behold, in her mouth was a freshly plucked olive leaf.”

Not many people will look in the Old Testament for inspiration. Noah’s relationship with God is lovely. His faith is strong. God told him of the impending flood and why. Noah was laughed at, scoffed, but was still obedient to God.

Our Sin Nature is what separates of from God. In Chapter 6, vs 5 God calls ou this human trait: 5. The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”

  • The Results of this wickedness: God decided to cleanse the earth at this time of the unrighteous with a great flood.

  • Still, there was righteous people, such as Noah and his family, that God used as start fresh, a new beginning.
Relevant: Life Applications

  •  We have a past, sometimes with things we are not proud of, or daily trials and tribulations we face. These challenge our relationship with God, and sometimes our Faith. We don’t need to run from these obstacles but recognize them for what they are; either past, or a challenge we can conquer through Jesus.

  • We need to make a decision. Put the past behind us, learn and live. The past can hold us back, as we hold on to it. This takes away from our ability to serve God and minister to others.

  • We need to trust God. Just as God Remembered Noah and his Family, He has not forgotten us. And Noah acted on this, showing all people the power of God and his Faith in God. We need to show the world we have this same trust and faith in God. Noah put the past behind him and in faith, sent a Dove out. And the Dove returned with an Olive leaf. Some see the olive tree and olive branch as symbols of peace and reconciliation. When the dove brought Noah “a plucked olive leaf in its beak,” the olive branch represented new life sprouting on the earth. Go into the new year, remembering Deuteronomy 31:8: ”The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
Ready: Life Action Steps

  • Commit to these daily devotions. Set aside time each day for reflection and prayer, asking God for strength and wisdom to recognize and resist temptation.

  • Commit to daily communion with God that includes meditation, prayer, worship, thanksgiving and praise.

  • Commit to have accountability and community: Engage with ABC or find an accountability partner that can provide support and guidance in making godly choices.

  • Commit to study scripture in a Life Group. On campus or off. Regularly read and study the Bible to better understand God’s principles and apply them to your life. This will help you discern truth from deception and make informed decisions.

  • Cultivate gratitude for the victory we have in Jesus.
By focusing on these principles, applications, and action steps, Genesis 8 becomes more than a story—it becomes a guide for navigating the moral and spiritual challenges we face each day.

What principle speaks to you the most?


What application resonates with you?


What is your action step?


What would be your prayer? _____________________________________________________________





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