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R³ Devotional - Day 59

R³ Devotional - Day 59 from Numbers Chapters 11-13

By: Justin McCoy

I love the heading of the first section of Numbers 11, “The People Complain.” Our journey this far has shown God providing for and protecting His people, yet when times get a little tough, the people complain. They complain after witnessing the ten plagues and the Red Sea parted for their safe passage across. I often sit in amazement (even from personal experience) at how we can see God moving in our lives, and yet still find something to complain about!  

Not only do the people complain in chapter 11 of Numbers, but they do so at least two times! God provides them mana…and they complain, He provides them meat…and they complain! The people complain to Moses, and Moses turns that plea to God, as the people are burdening him with their grumblings. Moses even goes to the point of asking God to take his life.  

We cannot miss here that God responds with action upon their pleas. I imagine here parents getting their kids everything they need, and yet they complain for more. We see God’s frustration with this in his response each time, and yet He provides for Moses by asking him to gather people to assist him by giving them a portion of His spirit to help.  
In chapter 12 we see Aaron and Miriam showing some “jealousy” toward Moses and, in essence, complaining that they should have God speaking through them as well. Our all-knowing God is aware of this and imparts some harsh discipline for this.  

In chapter 13 we see the 12 spies being called and sent out to spy out the land, all returning with good reports of the provisions there, yet 10 of them are fearful of the people while only 2 (Joshua and Caleb)  show trust in God to fulfill His commitment.  
Real Life Principles…  

✔ Grumbling, complaining…we can all get caught up in this as we seek worldly things we think we need instead of contentment in His provisions and trusting in His plans for us. The people were  “punished” for this with 40 years in the wilderness as an overall lesson to them at the time.  Sitting down and focusing on God’s provisions and where we fit into His plans can be quite fulfilling!  
Relevant Life Applications…  

✔ Learning to see God’s work in our lives and His plans through the service He calls us to should bring joy and peace that passes all understanding to us in our Faith walks!  
Being Ready with Life Action Steps…  

✔ Do you keep a prayer a journal or a blessing box? These simple things we can do can help us to truly focus on God’s work in and through our lives. Remember, our faith walks our ours, not the walks of others. God has specific plans for each of us in our faithful service to Him. Don’t get caught up in what’s going on with others or what the world has to offer. Finding ways to see His blessings, His answered prayers to us, and seeing the fruits of our service helping to build His  Kingdom help us to keep our eyes, hearts, minds, and paths in line with His plans. 





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