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R³ Devotional - Day 48

R³ Devotional - Day 48 from Leviticus Chapters 14-15

By: Daniel Arguijo

God gave the people of Israel rules for them to live by, to worship, and for sacrifices. He also gave rules for sickness, such as the ones mentioned in this chapter Leprosy and bodily discharges. It might be something weird to read about or understand, but at the time, they did not have a cure for leprosy, and discharges were also considered part of human uncleanliness.  So God gave a set of instructions on how to deal with these cases. Here are some things we could learn and apply to us today.
Real: Life Principles  
  • Leprosy did not have a cure at that time, the people who got sick could not do anything about it but hope for God’s grace upon them to heal them. Just as we are today, sin is something we can not clean ourselves from our body, we need the blood of Christ to clean our soul. Lev. 14:20 says: “Thus the priest shall make atonement for him, and he shall be  clean.” That is Christ’s work in our lives.

  • God was worried about their personal sanctity, whether it was a natural or unnatural discharge. Lev. 15:31 says they must remain clean so they do not defile the Tabernacle. As believers, God is concerned about the sanctity and the purity of our hearts as he was with the people of Israel.

Relevant: Life Applications  
  • We can be comforted that His grace is upon us. He is the priest who intercedes us, the perfect sacrifice who sheds the blood that cleanses our sins. Christ does the work of atonement for us today.

  • We need to remember that we are in a process of sanctification. God seeks a personal relationship with us. Through his word, we can be transformed and have a pure heart just as  David cried out to the Lord. 

Ready: Life Action Steps  
  • Remember daily that we are saved by grace, we could not be cleansed of our sins without his love and mercy for us. Don’t ever stop being amazed by the Gospel.

  • Pursue holiness every day. This doesn’t mean we won’t fall, it means He will lift us back up and continue this race we have ahead of us, Him leading the way.





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