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R³ Devotional - Day 64

R³ Devotional - Day 64 from Numbers Chapters 23-24

By: Michael Serres

Numbers 23-24 is the story of Balaam who was a non-Israelite prophet and diviner who was hired by King Balak of Moab to curse the Israelites when they moved near his territory and he became afraid. Balaam travels to Moab and when he attempts to curse the Israelites, God tells him what to speak to Balak and Bless’s the Israelites instead. Numbers 23 and 24 record the 4 blessings that God compels Balaam to speak. It shows us God's faithfulness to protect and bless his people, as well as provides a great example of seeking God's will and guidance.
Real: Life Principles

One of the most important principles from these chapters is God’s sovereignty that is shown here. Even though Balak is pushing for Balaam to curse the Israelites, God does not allow it to happen. He has a plan and will execute that plan. The wishes and desires of humans does not stop God’s work from being completed.
We also see God displaying his faithfulness to his people. He fulfills his promises and will bless his chosen people. This should give us reassurance. He promises us salvation and thanks to his revelations about his character we know He is a faithful God.

In these chapters we also see God using the most unlikely people to bless his chosen people. This is important for us when we feel like we are not good enough for God. We can look back here and see that God uses whoever he wishes to accomplish His goals. The more unlikely the person that is used, the more we can be sure of God's power and glory.
Relevant: Life Applications

An important application to learn from this story is the importance of seeking God’s guidance for important decisions. We see Balaam seeking God’s guidance before speaking a curse on the Israelites. God's guidance gives us clarity and strength to live as He wishes us to.

We can also see the importance of resisting temptation. Balaam was offered riches and fame in exchange for the curses. He resists the temptation and instead follows God's instructions. This reminds us to resist earthly temptations that might lead us astray.
Ready: Life Action Steps

No matter where any of us are in our Faith walks (even if they haven’t begun), these chapters show God’s plans are bigger than ours and His will is definitely going to be accomplished.  The question is where do we fit into that.  Are we going to witness His presence, “see” Him and yet still doubt or stray, or are we going to put our full trust in Him and His plans for us with obedience? Friends, we are going to struggle with that…it is in our sin nature!  The question we must ask ourselves (and answer with our actions) is, are we going to fall away or are we going to stumble and keep walking in His plans?  This is an easy question to answer, but it is so hard to live out daily!  Never forget the lesson in the object on the pole, friends, when we are lost and in need of a savior, turn to Jesus!





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