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R³ Devotional - Day 50

R³ Devotional - Day 50 from Leviticus Chapters 19-21

By: Becky Childress

Rules, rules, rules!  God laid out how, what, and why we should do so many things in these chapters.  Things we take for granted and things we might not have even considered- God has a plan for these things in our lives.  These are really spelled out here.

Real:  Life principles- What truths or principles are found in this passage?

So many rules for Moses’ people were lined out in these chapters.  God was calling these people, His people, to be holy as He is holy.  He gave them practical ways to set themselves apart from the other people groups of that time.  Things like “don’t dabble in the occult”, “show respect to the aged”,  “don’t spread gossip and rumors”…these are good advice even today.

Relevant:  Life Applications- How can this be applied?
While these “rules” found in Leviticus don’t apply to us in the same way that they applied to the people they were written for, they are still very relevant to us today.  We can apply these statutes as they apply to today’s times, therefore giving us a closer walk with God.  Learning to walk through this life with these reminders for how to do things God’s way is a good thing!  Leviticus often gets a bad rap for being full of old laws- not completely true!  They still have value today.

Ready:  Life Actions- How will you apply this?

Pray that God will show you His truths for today in these passages. God is Holy and wants us to be Holy as He is.  These laws reflect the Ten Commandments and these guide us daily.  The rules that God lays out here show us who God is because Jesus was perfectly able to fulfill them.  This is our goal, to mirror Christ through this example.   Christ died to make us a holy people in an unholy world.

   Be blessed! 





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