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R³ Devotional - Day 15

R³ Devotional - Day 15 from Job Chapters 40-42

By: Jose Maldonado and Kevin King

Job 40: God continues His response to Job, challenging him to answer His questions. God describes the behemoth, a powerful creature, to illustrate His own power and the limitations of human understanding.
Job 41: God describes another mighty creature, the leviathan, emphasizing its strength and the futility of human attempts to control it. This further underscores God's unmatched power and wisdom.
Job 42: Job humbly acknowledges God's greatness and repents for his earlier words. God restores Job's fortunes, giving him twice as much as he had before. Job's friends are rebuked for their incorrect assumptions about God's justice, and Job intercedes for them. The book concludes with Job living a long and prosperous life.
Real-Life Principles

  • Humility and Repentance: Recognize our limitations and the greatness of the ALL- POWERFUL GOD
  • Restoration and Blessings: Perseverance and faith can lead to eventual restoration and double blessings, but this is not a guarantee.

  • Intercession for Others: Forgiveness and praying for others, even those who have wronged us, condemned us, and judged us wrongly.
  • God's Justice: God will do what is right by Him. 
Real-Life Applications

  • Humility and Repentance: Admit when you're wrong and seek to make amends quickly. Swallow that pride.
  • Restoration and Blessings: Stay hopeful and persistent during tough times, believing that God knows what is happening and it is under His control.
  • Intercession for Others: Practice forgiveness and pray for the well-being of others, especially those who may have hurt you.
  • God's Justice: Refrain from judging others hypocritically. Avoid making judgments about others and understand that we cannot fully comprehend other people’s hearts, and all they have been through.
Real-Life Action Steps
  • Humility and Repentance: Reflect on your actions and apologize to those you may have wronged.

  • Restoration and Blessings: It is a blessing to know that you are right in God’s will. Give it to him in prayer. Trust the process.

  • Intercession for Others: Make a habit of including others in your prayers.
  • God's Justice: Focus on your own actions and integrity, rather than on others, and trust in the fairness of God. 

In this life we will all go through trials and tribulations. Most likely not as severe as Job. However each one of our trials are serious to us no matter how small we may think they are compared to Job. When we're going through difficult times it is not unreasonable for us to question God. However we may not get the answer that we think we should get or that we would want to get. Job questions God.
God responds with a look at how powerful the Behemoth and the Leviathan are. No man on Earth could dare to try to tame them or to control them in any way. God explains to Job these creatures are so far higher and more powerful than man. Men should not even dare to challenge them.

The greatness and might of the behemoth and the Leviathan are insignificant to the power of God.
In other words God is so much higher than us. When we question him, we are placing ourselves above him. We may not understand why the difficult things are happening in our lives. But, we can always trust that God knows exactly what's happening.

Through all of this difficulty, Job stayed faithful to God while his friends and even his wife discouraged him and reprimanded him and accused him falsely.
In the end God reprimanded Joe's friends and blessed Job for his faithfulness. Stay faithful, God is looking for opportunities to bless you.





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