R³ Devotional - Day 27
R³ Devotional - Day 27 from Genesis Chapter 43-45
By: Shawna Cohn
We learn of the second journey that Joseph’s brothers took to Egypt and back home again, this time with Benjamin. We learn that Joseph continued to test his brothers, even after they returned to Egypt with Benjamin. We recognize that Judah offers himself as a substitute for Benjamin, life for a life. We also see that it was God who sent Joseph into Egypt for his people.
When you truly and authentically repent and accept Christ into your life, you are forgiven and received into the house of God. Free of bondage, you have a
seat at the table. Saved by grace-through faith.
Don’t forget Jesus is called the lion of the tribe of Judah. Jesus descended from Abraham, Isaac, Jaco, and Judah. When Judah offered himself as a substitute
for Benjamin, he put on display what Christ would do, who descended from him in the fullness of time.
Judah exemplifies newfound loyalty and a willingness to sacrifice himself for Benjamin. This contrasts previous actions when they sold Joseph into slavery.
When Joseph looks back on his life and considers all the sorrow, he considers it God’s will. Joseph clearly saw God’s purpose. Joseph saw that although his brother’s had meant to harm him, God was preparing him to be able to save his family just as God had promised years before.
When you truly and authentically repent and accept Christ into your life, you are forgiven and received into the house of God. Free of bondage, you have a
seat at the table. Saved by grace-through faith.
Don’t forget Jesus is called the lion of the tribe of Judah. Jesus descended from Abraham, Isaac, Jaco, and Judah. When Judah offered himself as a substitute
for Benjamin, he put on display what Christ would do, who descended from him in the fullness of time.
Judah exemplifies newfound loyalty and a willingness to sacrifice himself for Benjamin. This contrasts previous actions when they sold Joseph into slavery.
When Joseph looks back on his life and considers all the sorrow, he considers it God’s will. Joseph clearly saw God’s purpose. Joseph saw that although his brother’s had meant to harm him, God was preparing him to be able to save his family just as God had promised years before.
God is not done with you! He will continue to test you. He will continue to refine you. God takes the mustard seed faith, strengthens you, and continues to work in
you. It is a process, discipline, and choice.
In an effort not to cause further grief to Jacob, Judah shifted from envy to selflessness.
There is value in truthfulness and there are repercussions for lying.
Do you take the same perspective that Joseph did? Do you take comfort in the fact that even in the unpleasant things life throws at us, they are not without purpose and meaning?
We can say “God is Good” or “Praise the Lord” when things are good and when our prayers are answered. But do we do that when things go wrong and prayers
are not answered?
God is not done with you! He will continue to test you. He will continue to refine you. God takes the mustard seed faith, strengthens you, and continues to work in
you. It is a process, discipline, and choice.
In an effort not to cause further grief to Jacob, Judah shifted from envy to selflessness.
There is value in truthfulness and there are repercussions for lying.
Do you take the same perspective that Joseph did? Do you take comfort in the fact that even in the unpleasant things life throws at us, they are not without purpose and meaning?
We can say “God is Good” or “Praise the Lord” when things are good and when our prayers are answered. But do we do that when things go wrong and prayers
are not answered?
God is not done with you! He will continue to test you. He will continue to refine you. God takes the mustard seed faith, strengthens you, and continues to work in
you. It is a process, discipline, and choice.
In an effort not to cause further grief to Jacob, Judah shifted from envy to selflessness.
There is value in truthfulness and there are repercussions for lying.
Do you take the same perspective that Joseph did? Do you take comfort in the fact that even in the unpleasant things life throws at us, they are not without purpose and meaning?
We can say “God is Good” or “Praise the Lord” when things are good and when our prayers are answered. But do we do that when things go wrong and prayers
are not answered?
God is not done with you! He will continue to test you. He will continue to refine you. God takes the mustard seed faith, strengthens you, and continues to work in
you. It is a process, discipline, and choice.
In an effort not to cause further grief to Jacob, Judah shifted from envy to selflessness.
There is value in truthfulness and there are repercussions for lying.
Do you take the same perspective that Joseph did? Do you take comfort in the fact that even in the unpleasant things life throws at us, they are not without purpose and meaning?
We can say “God is Good” or “Praise the Lord” when things are good and when our prayers are answered. But do we do that when things go wrong and prayers
are not answered?
Action Steps-
Read, believe, and obey his word. A life that brings glory to God. Having a seat at the table doesn't mean that God is done with you.
Sometimes when we are praying for relief, God’s blessing may look differently than what we may have expected.
Accepting responsibility can be difficult, but it is in the difficult that we grow in character and build in confidence. It is where trust and respect are made and where
we find the strength and motivation to do and be better.
Honor Jesus in our actions and interactions. Intentionally choosing compassion and forgiveness to heal and restore shattered relationships and to grow in healthy
relationships. Opening up our hearts- even when it seems impossible.
Who speaks to your life? Who are the believers that you do life with and are loving on you? Praying for you. Are you plugged into a Life group and community?
We need to be. This has been critical for me personally. The trials we may experience in life are often used by God to prepare us for the next thing he has for us. Rest in this, even though you may not see the big picture right away.
God is with us. Even in the times we do not feel close to him, or feel he is there, we must lean into him. All relationships require work, spend time with God, Pray, Meditate on his word, Listen to what he is saying to you, the more time you spend with him the closer you feel to him. Do the work. You will never regret doing it, you will only regret not. Join us on the Bible reading journey. It’s so good!!!
Remember, He hasn’t forsaken you yet, God is faithful and he will fulfill his promises
We must remain obedient- obedience requires action
Read, believe, and obey his word. A life that brings glory to God. Having a seat at the table doesn't mean that God is done with you.
Sometimes when we are praying for relief, God’s blessing may look differently than what we may have expected.
Accepting responsibility can be difficult, but it is in the difficult that we grow in character and build in confidence. It is where trust and respect are made and where
we find the strength and motivation to do and be better.
Honor Jesus in our actions and interactions. Intentionally choosing compassion and forgiveness to heal and restore shattered relationships and to grow in healthy
relationships. Opening up our hearts- even when it seems impossible.
Who speaks to your life? Who are the believers that you do life with and are loving on you? Praying for you. Are you plugged into a Life group and community?
We need to be. This has been critical for me personally. The trials we may experience in life are often used by God to prepare us for the next thing he has for us. Rest in this, even though you may not see the big picture right away.
God is with us. Even in the times we do not feel close to him, or feel he is there, we must lean into him. All relationships require work, spend time with God, Pray, Meditate on his word, Listen to what he is saying to you, the more time you spend with him the closer you feel to him. Do the work. You will never regret doing it, you will only regret not. Join us on the Bible reading journey. It’s so good!!!
Remember, He hasn’t forsaken you yet, God is faithful and he will fulfill his promises
We must remain obedient- obedience requires action
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