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R³ Devotional - Day 38

R³ Devotional - Day 38 from Exodus Chapters 25-27

By: Bessy Arguijo

When you build any type of construction, it requires different activities to give life to the project. Personally, one step I enjoy is the elaboration of construction drawings. The more details they have allow you to understand the designer’s idea, quotations can be done with more accuracy and mostly ease the project elaboration. It’s so thrilling when the project is built, you get to experience the concept in a whole different way through the shapes, colors, spaces, lighting effects, decor, and more. But honestly… today’s Exodus chapters are even more fascinating; we get to learn more about God and his people through a similar undertaking.

Today’s passage is centered on the beginning of the design and construction of a special project, The Tabernacle. A project designed by the greatest and detail-oriented architect there can be, God; with the sole purpose of being closer to his people. We get to see Moses not only leading a nation, but also in charge of managing a special project and being guided directly by God to get it done.
The instructions God gives for this project are super specific and address all the elements needed to build this special place even explaining the reason why He’s placing each one of them. For me, Moses was the project manager, but as we read it was a task that had to be tackled collectively by the Israelites. We can view how God is relying on his people, in the middle of the desert with the materials they have carried from Egypt, to build the place in which He will dwell among them.

Let’s explore today’s R3:
Real: Life Principles 

  • God wants to be close to his people. Sin separates humans from Him, and we are not able to reconnect by our own means. Through scripture we see God has always provided the way for us to be closer to him.
  • When God asks us for a contribution or offering it must be given with a willing, joyful heart.
  • Even though it had several special furniture, all the structure and its design were meant for a temporary kind of place. If we study closely, many of the elements built and reasons used to create this place, give us a foreshadow of Jesus redemptive work.

  • To reach goals or finish different tasks of a project, leaders need helpers with different abilities.
Relevant: Life Applications 

  • Nowadays thanks to Jesus, we no longer must be separated from God. Once we accept him as our Lord and Savior, we become temples of the Holy Spirit. God’s presence is with us 24/7. We can talk to Him with no restrictions, we are led, taught, comforted, convinced of sin and protected.
  • Being honest, God doesn’t need our material donations, money or time. He is powerful and owns everything. Nonetheless until this day, He invites us to be involved, to be his hands and feet through giving any of the previous, but cheerfully. At the end, being willing to give or serve, glorifies Him and gives us the chance to exercise our faith, grow spiritually, be blessed and bless others.  
  • God has given us pastors and leaders, to guide us in our church. We can help them fulfill the great commission by using our gifts and abilities, with a willing heart.
Ready: Life Actions

  • Enjoy God’s presence daily through prayer, investing time reading his Word, sharing with other brothers and sisters in Christ.
  • Before giving any offering to church or deciding to serve; check always your heart. Examine if you are doing it joyfully and willingly to glorify God.
  • Keep always in your prayers the leadership of Anderson Baptist Church. Leading and taking care of the flock is a HUGE responsibility, our prayers will be of great support for them and their families.
  • Leaders keep in your prayers the congregation and daily ask God to touch their hearts so they can get involved through their many gifts and abilities. Don’t stop inviting them to be part of God’s work.
Hoping you have a blessed day, and every detail of your life reminds you of the awesome God we have.





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