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R³ Devotional - Day 28

R³ Devotional - Day 28 from Genesis 46-47

By: Jose Maldonado

Jacob, also known as Israel, sets out for Egypt with all his family and possessions, 70 people in total. God had to reassure Jacob “ I am God the God of your father. Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt. For there I will make you into a great nation. I myself will go down with you to Egypt, and I will also bring you up again, and Joseph’s hands shall close your eyes” Jacob sends Judah ahead to get directions to Goshen. When they arrive, Joseph meets his father, Jacob, and they have an emotional reunion. Jacob fell on Joseph's neck and wept on his neck for a good while.

Joseph presents his family to Pharaoh, who allows them to settle in the fertile land of Goshen. Pharaoh also meets Jacob, who blesses him. The famine continues, and Joseph manages the food supply in Egypt. The Egyptians sell their livestock, land, and eventually themselves to Pharaoh in exchange for food. Joseph establishes a system where the people give one-fifth of their produce to Pharaoh. Jacob lives in Egypt for seventeen years. Before he dies, he makes Joseph swear to bury him in Canaan, not in Egypt.
Real: Life Principles

  • Don't let fear paralyze God.

  • Family is to be united at all times. Especially during hard times.

  • Learn how to manage your time, talents, and treasure.
Relevant: Life Applications

  • Listen to God as he speaks, through the Spirit and Word, through prayer, through circumstances, and through other people.

  • Don't let the enemy which is a liar, tempter, and accuser who comes to kill, steal, and destroy divide the family.

  • It is better to prepare for everything that can go wrong, so if it does you are ready. Rather than to just plan, because sometimes we don't plan for obstacles which may come.

Ready: Life Action Steps

  • Set a minimum of 10-15 minutes to get guidance from the Lord. Through reading, praying, and meditating on His word and your life.

  • Always pray for family members.

  • Gather with other believers in a large group to hear the preached word.

  • Participate in a small group.

  • Examine the area where you are not a good manager and learn from those who are. Ask them. Get a book on how to manage your time, talents, and treasure.





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