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R³ Devotional - Day 69

R³ Devotional - Day 69 from Numbers Chapters 35-36

By: Dayna Nichols

Welcome to the last day of counting and completion of your fifth book of the Bible!
As a math geek, I love Numbers. I am finding joy in all the ways God provides for His
people. In chapters 35 & 36, God outlines his plan for the Levites and sets up refuge
cities of protection for those awaiting fair trials. There is also a plan to keep land in
the family if a daughter inherits the dirt. God cares about order and fairness and
details and provision. God reveals His character through the rules and keeps His
people returning to Him for direction and instruction.

“So you shall not defile the land in which you live, in the midst of which I dwell; for I
the Lord am dwelling in the midst of the sons of Israel” (Num. 35:34). God is among
the Israelites. God is also among us today. We are His people. The local church
should have order and systems and provisions. The local church (and us as
individual believers) should display God’s character and point others to His glory.
The world should undeniably see Him dwelling in us. We should obey His rules. We
should love, care, and serve each other. We should be a community of people living
in relationships that reveal the character of God and draw others to Him.
Pure. Holy. Loving. Generous. Kind.

We are a church of REAL people committed to Christ, RELEVANT to those who need
Christ, and READY to be on mission for Christ.
How can you be REAL today as you obey Godly principles in the smallest details of
your life?
How can you be RELEVANT to those around you and point them to God for
Are you READY to sacrifice for and serve those who cross your path day?

Count your opportunities this week ...and do not forget to thank God for each and
every one. Remember, we are more than a number to Him.





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