R³ Devotional - Day 4
R³ Devotional - Day 4 from Job Chapter 1-5
By: Kevin Okanski
Real: Life Principles: What truths or principles are found?
- Life on Earth guarantees changes and challenges. Job was characterized as a man who was devoted to God and hated evil.
- Job’s faith was not just for him but overflowed to his family, friends, and others.
- Job’s godly character was challenged from all kinds of different angles.
- Satan is constantly seeking someone to devour on Earth.
- Satan blames and accuses and falsely accuses.
- Satan seeks to challenge godly people's faith!!!!
- Satan has tremendous powers but is limited by God
- Many times, there is a lot more going on in the background than we might know about.
- God allowed Satan to temp Job because God had confidence in Job faith.
Relevant: Life Applications: How can this be applied?
- Realize there is a bigger picture than what is before your eyes.
- Review how your devotion to God has been in past trials.
- What went well?
- Were you a witness by praising God?
- What went well?
- God is glorified and witnessed mostly in the valleys of death, rather than the peaks of the mountain
- God is glorified and witnessed mostly in the valleys of death, rather than the peaks of the mountain
- Friends don’t always need to give advice: sometimes it's best to “feel” the pain rather than “fix” the problem.
Ready: Life Actions: What will your next action steps be?
- Pray each day and all day. At least morning, noon, and (evening with your spouse).
- Practice putting on the Full Armor of God in your mind, heart, might, and soul and carrying it through the day.
- Read and understand from Daniel 10 and Ephesians 6 that Spiritual Warfare exists.
- Commit to learning God's word through the week; Sunday service at 930 or 11, Life
Group, Wednesday night service at 630pm at Anderson Baptist Church - Commit to these devotions and share what you learn with one person who does not go to Anderson Baptist Church.
- Embrace the thought God’s grace is sufficient, even with the thorn in your side. Most likely that is when you will witness the most by your devotion to God through your pain and suffering.
- Lastly, have a list of three unsaved people and pray for them just as Job did daily.
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