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R³ Devotional - Day 31

R³ Devotional - Day 31 from Exodus Chapters 4-6

By: Kathryn Haecker


In these chapters, God charges Moses with the mission to liberate the enslaved Israelites from Egypt. When Moses expresses doubt about his capabilities and others' willingness to believe him, God provides miraculous signs and assistance. After approaching Pharaoh as commanded, conditions worsen for the Israelites, leading Moses to question God further. God responds by sharing a promise of deliverance, yet Moses continues to struggle with self-doubt rather than trusting in God's power.
Biblical Principles

God Signs God demonstrates his power through tangible signs, including the burning bush and Moses's transformed staff, making his presence undeniable.

The Challenge of Human Doubt Moses's repeated focus on his own abilities reveals how easily we can become blind to God's infinite power by fixating on our limitations.

God's Persistent Mercy Despite Moses's continuous doubts, God shows patience and provides support through Aaron, demonstrating how he can work through imperfect people.

Understanding the Enemy's Strategy The passage reveals several weapons used against God's people:

  • Doubt (Exodus 4:1, 4:10, 6:12, 6:30) - Moses repeatedly questions his abilities

  • Distraction (Exodus 5:9) - Increased workload diverts focus from God's promise

  • Separation (Exodus 5:12) - Physical scattering of the Israelites weakens unity

  • Blame (Exodus 5:20-21) - Division created through misplaced accusations

  • Discouragement (Exodus 6:9) - Hardship blinds the Israelites to God's promise
Life Application

Living as God's Witnesses Just as Moses received physical signs to demonstrate God's power, we now bear spiritual fruit as evidence of God's work in our lives. Through Jesus, we manifest love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control as testimony to His transformative power.

Embracing Divine Empowerment Rather than allowing personal inadequacy to become an obstacle, we must shift our focus to God's infinite capabilities. He bridges the gap between our limitations and His purposes, multiplying our abilities for His glory.

Recognizing Spiritual Warfare Maintaining awareness of enemy tactics while staying grounded in God's sovereignty enables us to stand firm in faith despite opposition. Our trust in His control overcomes our circumstances.





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