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R³ Devotional - Day 46

R³ Devotional - Day 46 from Leviticus Chapters 8-9

By: Kevin King

In Leviticus chapter 8 and chapter 9 we see the consecration of the priest. The consecration begins with separation and continued separation during this time for 7 days. While separated they put on the holy garments as commanded by God. 

Real Life Principles:
In the New Testament we put on the new body because we are a new creation.
Then we see the sacrifice for a sin offering and the sacrifice for a commitment. Both sacrifices we see the shedding of blood. The blood is placed on the right earlobe, on the right thumb and on the right big toe. Representing, one who is truly serving God must be ready to hear his word, to understand his work, and to move at his command.

Relevant Life Applications: 
In like manner God's people even today are called to be Holy. That is to be separate from the world (set apart).To be covered in the blood of Jesus. A sacrifice once and for all, that never has to be repeated as the sacrifices of this time had to be repeated on a regular basis. God's people in Leviticus we're following God's commands to do these sacrifices, to be separate, to be a holy people, to be people that are committed to God. In regards to having a relationship with God, nothing has changed. God still commands his people to be holy, to be separate, to be committed. When I talk to someone about what is a life in Christ. I explain, that it is the willingness to give up everything that is important to us and to surrender fully to God, to recognize that we are sinners and our sin can only be paid for with the blood of Jesus Christ.

Ready Action Steps: 
We no longer need blood on our ear lobes or thumbs or our big toe. If we have said yes to Jesus and surrendered our life to him as Lord, we are completely covered in the blood of Jesus and made righteous in the eyes of God. I encourage you my brothers and sisters to go out boldly and live the life God has called you to live to be an example to lead others to Christ and his kingdom.





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