R³ Devotional - Day 24
R³ Devotional - Day 23 from Genesis Chapter 37
By: Lee Dye
Growing up, many times I heard the story of Joseph and his coat of many colors. That’s the part I remember – A Coat of many colors. That was about it. His father, Israel (aka Jacob) loved him so much, he had a coat of many colors made for him. Normally, the heir to a family’s clan would be the oldest. Israel chose Joseph, instead of the oldest. His brothers hated him for it; vs 4 “But when his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers, they hated him and could not speak peacefully to him”.
Their hatred grew to a point, they were willing to kill him. Ruben, the oldest of the brother and first born of Israel (Jacob), stepped in and convinced the brothers not to kill him. Instead, they threw him in a pit with no food and water. They were going to develop an elaborate plan, to convince their father that they had rescued him and return him to Israel, to gain favor in their father’s eyes. Meanwhile, some traders passed by and greed took over the brothers. They thought “What profit is it if we kill our brother and conceal his blood? Come, let us sell him to the Ishmaelites”. Joseph ended up as a slave to Potiphar in Egypt. There, his tribulations continued. Potipher’s wife accused him of attempted rape and he was thrown into prison.
Joseph had been rejected and hated by his brothers, stripped of his coat, and thrown into a pit, then sold into slavery. Accused of rape and then thrown into jail. One bad event after another. Why? What did Joseph do to deserve all this tribulation in his life? How often do we ask that same question?
Through all these events, God was with Joseph (Gen 39: 21; But the Lord was with Joseph and showed him steadfast love). God was using Joseph for a greater service. Because of God’s work through Joseph, even the Pharoh of Egypt was moved. The Pharoh put Joseph in charge of all of Egypt.
When a famine came, and Joseph’s brothers had to come to Egypt for provisions, they didn’t realize Joseph was in charge. Fast forward to Genesis 45, vs 8, When Joseph revealed himself, he made this proclamation: So it was not you who sent me here, but God.
Their hatred grew to a point, they were willing to kill him. Ruben, the oldest of the brother and first born of Israel (Jacob), stepped in and convinced the brothers not to kill him. Instead, they threw him in a pit with no food and water. They were going to develop an elaborate plan, to convince their father that they had rescued him and return him to Israel, to gain favor in their father’s eyes. Meanwhile, some traders passed by and greed took over the brothers. They thought “What profit is it if we kill our brother and conceal his blood? Come, let us sell him to the Ishmaelites”. Joseph ended up as a slave to Potiphar in Egypt. There, his tribulations continued. Potipher’s wife accused him of attempted rape and he was thrown into prison.
Joseph had been rejected and hated by his brothers, stripped of his coat, and thrown into a pit, then sold into slavery. Accused of rape and then thrown into jail. One bad event after another. Why? What did Joseph do to deserve all this tribulation in his life? How often do we ask that same question?
Through all these events, God was with Joseph (Gen 39: 21; But the Lord was with Joseph and showed him steadfast love). God was using Joseph for a greater service. Because of God’s work through Joseph, even the Pharoh of Egypt was moved. The Pharoh put Joseph in charge of all of Egypt.
When a famine came, and Joseph’s brothers had to come to Egypt for provisions, they didn’t realize Joseph was in charge. Fast forward to Genesis 45, vs 8, When Joseph revealed himself, he made this proclamation: So it was not you who sent me here, but God.
Real: Life Principles
- We will be challenged during our walk with God. Be prepared. 2 Timothy 15: Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.
Relevant: Life Applications
- We can’t quit when times get hard. Jesus could have quit at any time. His Father is GOD. But Jesus knew he had to go to the cross. What if he had quit? In our eyes, He had more reason than any of us.
Ready: Life Action Steps
- Commit to these daily devotions. Set aside time each day for reflection and prayer, asking God for strength and wisdom to recognize and resist temptation.
- Commit to daily communion with God that includes meditation, prayer, worship, thanksgiving and praise.
- Commit to have accountability and community: Engage with ABC or find an accountability partner that can provide support and guidance in making godly choices.
- Commit to study scripture in a Life Group. On campus or off. Regularly read and study the Bible to better understand God’s principles and apply them to your life. This will help you discern truth from deception and make informed decisions.
- Cultivate gratitude for the victory we have in Jesus.
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