Week 1: What is Rooted?
This first week you will not have Rooted devotions but we do want you to read the bible and take time to pray.
Read this introduction week.
The 7 Rhythms you'll experience throughout Rooted were first modeled by the early church in Acts 2. By committing to practicing these rhythms in community, you will begin to see the type of growth and life change that goes beyond the individual to impact the whole church.
In a world marked by constant change where we are surrounded by chaos and confusion, our attention pulled in every which way, God's Word clearly lays the foundation for transformational Christian living. With our eyes set on Him (Hebrews 12:2) and our roots in the Truth of God's Word (Colossians 3:16), we can be sure God will produce the kind of life-change that will echo through His Kingdom for generations to come.
Likely you're here, reading these pages and joining in the Rooted experience because you are looking for something. Whether you're looking for connection, community, to deepen your relationship with Jesus or have some serious questions you want to explore, beginning a practice of the 7 Rhythms is where you will do all of that. Maybe you' ve lost sight of who God is and what He's done for you and feel like everything is out of control. Or maybe you've experienced a significant life change recently where the rug was pulled out from beneath you and you need some sort of foundation to put your hope in.
Well, this is it. This is where you step into community and commit to rhythms God established for us in His Word so that we would know Him more intimately, and through that journey, invite others to hear His story and experience the true freedom Jesus offers by knowing Him.
Throughout the next 10 weeks you are invited to practice the 7 Rhythms of Rooted grounded in Acts 2 which include: Daily Devotion, Prayer, Repentance, Serve the Community, Sacrificial Generosity, Share Your Story, and Worship. When you build the foundation of your life on solid rock (Matthew 7:24-27), that is, God's Word and His instruction for how to live it out, you will not be disappointed by the love you experience nor the ways He begins to use you.
These rhythms are not intended just for Rooted, and surely not supposed to last only the duration of the next 10 weeks. The more dedicated you are to spending time in and reflecting on God's Word, the more you actively engage in group discussions and the experiences throughout Rooted, the more likely you are to not only walk away from Rooted having learned something, but the more likely you are to take the 7 Rhythms of Rooted with you into your nest chapter of life and beyond. The journey won't be perfect-no journey ever is. But the more you seek God, the more you will find Him (Deuteronomy 4:29). Let this step in faith become the foundation of your walk with Jesus. Grounded in God's Word, the 7 Rhythms are the foundation of the Rooted experience. Each of these Rhythms was practiced by the early church in Acts 2. When we commit to practicing the 7 Rhythms in communities like the early church, we see growth and transformation in both our personal lives and in our communities.
This first week you will not have Rooted devotions but we do want you to read the bible and take time to pray.
Read this introduction week.
The 7 Rhythms you'll experience throughout Rooted were first modeled by the early church in Acts 2. By committing to practicing these rhythms in community, you will begin to see the type of growth and life change that goes beyond the individual to impact the whole church.
In a world marked by constant change where we are surrounded by chaos and confusion, our attention pulled in every which way, God's Word clearly lays the foundation for transformational Christian living. With our eyes set on Him (Hebrews 12:2) and our roots in the Truth of God's Word (Colossians 3:16), we can be sure God will produce the kind of life-change that will echo through His Kingdom for generations to come.
Likely you're here, reading these pages and joining in the Rooted experience because you are looking for something. Whether you're looking for connection, community, to deepen your relationship with Jesus or have some serious questions you want to explore, beginning a practice of the 7 Rhythms is where you will do all of that. Maybe you' ve lost sight of who God is and what He's done for you and feel like everything is out of control. Or maybe you've experienced a significant life change recently where the rug was pulled out from beneath you and you need some sort of foundation to put your hope in.
Well, this is it. This is where you step into community and commit to rhythms God established for us in His Word so that we would know Him more intimately, and through that journey, invite others to hear His story and experience the true freedom Jesus offers by knowing Him.
Throughout the next 10 weeks you are invited to practice the 7 Rhythms of Rooted grounded in Acts 2 which include: Daily Devotion, Prayer, Repentance, Serve the Community, Sacrificial Generosity, Share Your Story, and Worship. When you build the foundation of your life on solid rock (Matthew 7:24-27), that is, God's Word and His instruction for how to live it out, you will not be disappointed by the love you experience nor the ways He begins to use you.
These rhythms are not intended just for Rooted, and surely not supposed to last only the duration of the next 10 weeks. The more dedicated you are to spending time in and reflecting on God's Word, the more you actively engage in group discussions and the experiences throughout Rooted, the more likely you are to not only walk away from Rooted having learned something, but the more likely you are to take the 7 Rhythms of Rooted with you into your nest chapter of life and beyond. The journey won't be perfect-no journey ever is. But the more you seek God, the more you will find Him (Deuteronomy 4:29). Let this step in faith become the foundation of your walk with Jesus. Grounded in God's Word, the 7 Rhythms are the foundation of the Rooted experience. Each of these Rhythms was practiced by the early church in Acts 2. When we commit to practicing the 7 Rhythms in communities like the early church, we see growth and transformation in both our personal lives and in our communities.

Daily Devotion (Acts 2:42, 46)
Scripture is the very Word of God. Through it, He equips us with all we need to learn about Him and live a life pleasing to Him. A daily rhythm of reading, meditating on and applying God's Word to our lives is key.
Prayer (Acts 2:42)
One of the most important elements in any relationship is communication. Prayer is just that: engaging God in a conversation, sharing our hearts with Him, and. spending time listening to His voice, both individually and in community.
Repentance (Acts 2:37-39)
Jesus saves those who believe and call upon His name. Saving grace is once and for all (justification) and also a continual invitation to repent for our wrongdoings. With the help of the Spirit we take inventory of our lives, humbly and honestly confess our sin, and turn away from our sin toward God in surrender. Through Jesus offer of forgiveness, we receive true freedom.
Sacrificial Generosity (Acts 2:44-45)
Giving demonstrates our dependence on God. We acknowledge that all we own has been given to us by Him. In His generosity toward us, God desires that we, too, are generous and will use our resources as a tangible way to partner with Him in His work in the world and in the lives of those around us. We are blessed to be a blessing (Genesis 12:2).
Serve the Community (Acts 2:44-45)
We are called and equipped by the Holy Spirit to share God's love by participating in the ministry of Jesus. He has given us agency with Him to fearlessly influence our society and the world. When we serve in the world and in His Church, we impact those around us and reveal God's glory.
Share Your Story (Acts 2:14-36)
The greatest gift we can ever give someone who doesn't yet know Jesus is an introduction to Him.Sharing our life stories is the most powerful way to show the transforming power and salvation offered through Jesus Christ. When we tell our stories of transformation, we tell the story of God.
Worship (Acts 2:26-28, 46-47)
As children of God, it is important to consistently set aside time to remember what God has done, to thank Him for it, and to put Him on display as we give Him the glory. In all circumstances, we are called to practice God-centered worship.
Welcome to Rooted and the next chapter of your story. Our goal for this experience is for you to deepen your connection with God, His Church,and your purpose in the epic story He is writing through human history. Beyond a program, seminar, or life group, Rooted is a catalyst for life-change. Rooted inspires questions, conversations, and beyond-what-is-comfortable group experiences that are designed to help you find yourself in God's story. You will begin to see God in new ways- and hear His instruction in surprising places. In a world that can be fragmented, isolated, and empty, Rooted allows you to experience a different way of life as you connect with God, the Church, and your purpose. Through this experience we hope you will be emboldened to live out your calling as a radical follower of Jesus. The word "radical" comes from the Latin root "radix," meaning "a root." By rooting ourselves in God's Word and His truths, we have a firm foundation on which we love the world.
Throughout these devotions, we have included stories from great leaders and pastors from all over the world to broaden your perspective-and challenge your understanding of the global Church. When we listen and learn from believers around the world, we gain a deeper understanding of the whole Gospel.
Rooted is a significant commitment. We want to be up-front about that, but anything worth doing involves a certain amount of sacrifice. During this 10-week experience, you will engage in 7 Rhythms, one of which is daily devotion which will help you build the habit of being in God's Word and connecting with Him daily. This will be key as you grow in your relationship with Him and connect more deeply in community when you meet with your group to talk about what you've learned each week. You will be surprised what happens when your group gathers and begins to share honestly. As people open up and share personal stories, feelings, and questions, the Holy Spirit moves, and God reveals new truths. This is where transformation happens There are three additional experiences designed to deepen some of the areas we will explore. We'll pray and fast together, share our faith stories, and serve together. On top of these experiences, we'll also discuss where we are in our journey with Jesus. No matter where you stand in your relationship with Jesus at the beginning of Rooted, there is always room to move forward. For some of us that may mean deciding for the first time to follow Jesus and/or get baptized. For others it will mean letting go of the things of this world to follow His call more courageously. You will be marked by defining moments like these. After our 10 weeks together, you will join with all the other Rooted groups to celebrate the journey. Our hope is that you will continue these rhythms as your spiritual journey continues beyond Rooted.
Come with an open heart and mind, and see how God will surprise you!
Too many of us are held captive by the "normal" and "ordinary" dreams and desires common to modern culture. Yet as followers of Jesus we are called to live a radically counter-cultural life. Radical, from the Latin root "radix" means "a root." To live as a radical follower of Jesus is to be rooted in God's Word and truth and live a life that reflects His. However, this is not what we always see in our daily lives. In fact, many surveys show that Christians are just as likely to embrace lifestyles as consumer-driven, self-centered, and immoral as those not professing to be Christ-followers.
American churches have traditionally relied on theological information as the primary activator for life-change. While information certainly has a place, it should not be the only way the Church invites people to participate in God's story, Christians in the Western world know a lot of information, but don't often experience the life transformation promised in Scripture. We know that salvation is a free gift from God-there is nothing we can do to earn it. But, being a follower of Jesus comes with a cost. As we learn what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, we learn we must offer Him our time, our hearts, and our very lives in order to fully embrace the extraordinary life He has for each of us.
Mariners church wanted to create an experience that bridged the disparity between what we say we believe and how we live. We wanted something that would be experiential and transferable across all ages, stages, and even cultures.
In 2008, Mariners began a partnership with Pastor Muriithi Wanjau and Mavuno Church in Nairobi, Kenya, and we quickly learned they had a similar passion to see people encounter God and grow deeper in their relationship with Him and His Church. During one of our visits to Mavuno, they told us: about an experience their church family was going through that had been developed by Pastor Murithi. They called it Mizizi, Swahili for "roots." It wasn't a Bible study, class, or program, and it wasn't "taught" in the traditional sense. It was a 10-week journey with daily devotions that each member of their church went on in community with each other. Groups of men and women would gather each week,and through a study guide and a facilitator, walk through Scripture and discover God's purpose for them in their church family and the world. The impact of Mizizi on their church was staggering. Thousands of people discovered for the first time that God loved them specifically and had a beautiful plan for their lives. They learned God has gifted each of them perfectly for His purposes. They learned how to pray and how to unleash the power of His Spirit. They learned about Jesus' heart for serving the poor, His ability to destroy Satan's strongholds in their lives, and how He wants them to steward the material resources He's given them When one fully grasps the fullness of God's plan for his or her life, one can't help but go out and do it. And that is exactly what was happening at Mavuno Church. People were reaching their community with the love of Jesus, people were discovering they are called to be fearless influencers of society, and their community was changing. Mavuno could hardly keep up with the growth of Mizizi because family members and co-workers who didn't go to church or have a relationship with Jesus were signing up in droves. They saw their friends and family members' lives change before their eyes, and they wanted to know why and how it was happening. The Good News was proving to be really good news when tested. It was astounding to witness. We wondered what God might do if we brought Mizizi to Orange County.
We began to work with Pastor Murilithi to adapt the Mizizi experience to our culture while keeping the spirit of the original work. We prayed God would use it in the lives of our staff and church family, and He honored our prayers. As people moved through this experience, it became clear it wasn't the curriculum that was changing lives--it was God. People came with open hearts, expectant of what God would show them. And He did not disappoint. Relationships were mended, strongholds were broken, and people sensed God's call to go out and change their communities in ways they never thought they could.
We believe God has brought us to a place of honesty and vulnerability like we`ve never experienced before. We have come to a place of desperation--individually and as a church where we say, "God, we don't know how to do this, Please do this for us and through us." In that humility, God comes near and slices through the many facades we have constructed over the years. This has renewed our commitment to becoming authentic, transparent, wholehearted people. It was, and is, astounding to watch this remarkable shift in the culture of our church. Since we began this journey, Rooted has been adopted into churches across the nation and translated into many different languages. As Rooted & Mizizi's impact continues to grow, we want to expand your understanding of God beyond our Western context. Our hope and prayer is that by the end of Rooted you'll have heard God's instruction and live more passionately and purposefully for Christ.
They devoted themselves to the apostles, teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer: Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
Acts 2:42-47
It is our desire to promote a safe environment for sharing the most important things in life. We want to provide a place where people can reveal openly and confidently the broken areas of their lives without judgment or condemnation. We are not here to "fix" one another. We encourage openness, vulnerability, and intimacy during discussion and prayer times. In order to ensure a safe haven for personal sharing, we ask that each Rooted participant enter into an agreement of confidentiality.
Additionally, to get the most out of this experience, our hope is that you make a commitment to attend all sessions and participate in the group discussions. If you cannot be there, group dynamics will be impacted. If you know you will miss more than two group meetings, we ask that you attend a different session of Rooted.
I agree to the following;
_________ I agree to attend all group meetings
_________ I agree to keep all things shared by my group members confidential at all times.
Sign __________________________________________________________________________________
Story: Kenya
Take a city. Take a Continent. Win the World. - Mavuno Church, Nairobi, Kenya, Pastor Muriithi Wanjau
Mavuno Church, Nairobi, Kenya. There is a popular side-dish known as ugali in Kenya and Tanzania. This starchy, polenta-like food goes by different names in sub-Saharan Africa. In Malawi and Zambia, it is called nsima or nshima. The South African name for it is pap or mealie pap. Zimbabweans call it sadza. The funny thing is, there is no one recipe for it. If you search the Internet, you will find many entries on how to make it, and each one is different.
I believe the Church thinks the same way about making disciples. Every place of worship has a different recipe. Some think the world is ignorant, so we must focus on teaching and education. Some churches believe the world is sick and in need of deliverance, so they focus on counseling and icaling, There are churches who believe that the world is evil, and Christians must separate themselves from the rest. Some churches believe the world is lost, and people need salvation and rescue from Hell. There are churches that focus on compassion, believing the world is needy and hurting.
All of the above statements are true of our world. All of these churches are focusing on good things. But, can good sometimes become the enemy of the best? Can focus on these things divert us from what is truly essential, the all-encompassing core-calling that Jesus left for His followers to turn ordinary disciples into fearless world-changers?
At Mavuno Church, we developed Miziz i(Rooted) as a first step into the spiritual journey of becoming fearless world-changers. Being a disciple of Christ is more than a 10 week journey, however. It's our life's work.
Mark 3:13 says,"Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to him those he wanted, and they came to him." Here, Jesus chose His disciples, engaged them in a life-transforming process, and eventually released them to change the world. He does the same thing today.
When we choose to follow Jesus, He brings us from complacent to consumer. In the verse above, He called out to people. In other passages in the Bible, Jesus tells parables about searching for the one lost sheep, the lost coin, the lost son.
He speaks the language of our culture and calls us from our lives of complacency to a life of fullness and riches in His Kingdom. Salvation is a free gift, but it's not enough for us to simply consume the gospel. A church of consumer Christians can become a very selfish church. We can become focused on meeting our own desires. From Jesus, we learn that the next step is….
From consumer to connected. Relationships in community are key to maturing in Christ. Jesus knew this when He gathered the disciples together. They worked together, ate together, asked questions, and learned from Jesus together. It is very difficult to grow in our relationship with Christ without people walking through life with you, celebrating wonderful moments, and grieving tragic losses. We love and serve each other and our communities like the disciples did. But being connected with others in a life group will only take us so far in our faith. There must be another step.
From connected to committed. The apostles used their gifts with authority. God has gifted us uniquely as well and, as His followers, we can use them to serve our communities. In humility, we understand that we really can make an impact for God's Kingdom, that He has set a purpose for us, and that it's our charge to fulfill that purpose. But, serving is just a step towards something even bigger. The last step we learn from Jesus' example is...
From committed to compelled. In Acts 2, we read that the early Church went out, preaching, teaching, and baptizing believers and the Church grew. They were compelled by the vision given to them and by their own experiences to tell others about the Messiah. So too, we are compelled to tell our friends and neighbors that Jesus has made a difference in our lives. Matthew 28:18-19 says, "Then Jesus came to them and said, 'All authority in heaven and on Earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.""
It is our responsibility to be ambassadors of Jesus in every sphere of our influence. Our identities are as believers in Him, who happen to have jobs as a doctor, or plumber, or teacher. He has placed us in those situations for a specific purpose: to reach those around us with the love and healing power of Jesus Christ, and
To change that industry or vocation so it becomes an outpost of God's Kingdom influence!
When we begin to recognize that God has placed us as His agents to bring His influence into our communities and vocations, we see change. As people are attracted to a relationship with Jesus because of the way we live, families change. Neighborhoods change. Cities change. When a city has changed, it garners the attention of its country, then its continent. And, when a continent has changed the world will notice. The world will be won for Jesus Christ.
It's a breathtaking thought to realize that God did not just create us to be born, grow up, make money, and then die. His power of transformation is available for each of His followers who dare to live a life of fearless influence. I have seen many people embrace this truth, experience dramatic transformation in their own lives, and then take that transformation to their families, workplaces and communities. 'This is the recipe for change. God created us to be world-changers!
You were born to be fearless. You were born to change the world.
Thank you for reading this introduction. Pray for your group that God will stir everyone’s heart to persevere to the end.
Scripture is the very Word of God. Through it, He equips us with all we need to learn about Him and live a life pleasing to Him. A daily rhythm of reading, meditating on and applying God's Word to our lives is key.
Prayer (Acts 2:42)
One of the most important elements in any relationship is communication. Prayer is just that: engaging God in a conversation, sharing our hearts with Him, and. spending time listening to His voice, both individually and in community.
Repentance (Acts 2:37-39)
Jesus saves those who believe and call upon His name. Saving grace is once and for all (justification) and also a continual invitation to repent for our wrongdoings. With the help of the Spirit we take inventory of our lives, humbly and honestly confess our sin, and turn away from our sin toward God in surrender. Through Jesus offer of forgiveness, we receive true freedom.
Sacrificial Generosity (Acts 2:44-45)
Giving demonstrates our dependence on God. We acknowledge that all we own has been given to us by Him. In His generosity toward us, God desires that we, too, are generous and will use our resources as a tangible way to partner with Him in His work in the world and in the lives of those around us. We are blessed to be a blessing (Genesis 12:2).
Serve the Community (Acts 2:44-45)
We are called and equipped by the Holy Spirit to share God's love by participating in the ministry of Jesus. He has given us agency with Him to fearlessly influence our society and the world. When we serve in the world and in His Church, we impact those around us and reveal God's glory.
Share Your Story (Acts 2:14-36)
The greatest gift we can ever give someone who doesn't yet know Jesus is an introduction to Him.Sharing our life stories is the most powerful way to show the transforming power and salvation offered through Jesus Christ. When we tell our stories of transformation, we tell the story of God.
Worship (Acts 2:26-28, 46-47)
As children of God, it is important to consistently set aside time to remember what God has done, to thank Him for it, and to put Him on display as we give Him the glory. In all circumstances, we are called to practice God-centered worship.
Welcome to Rooted and the next chapter of your story. Our goal for this experience is for you to deepen your connection with God, His Church,and your purpose in the epic story He is writing through human history. Beyond a program, seminar, or life group, Rooted is a catalyst for life-change. Rooted inspires questions, conversations, and beyond-what-is-comfortable group experiences that are designed to help you find yourself in God's story. You will begin to see God in new ways- and hear His instruction in surprising places. In a world that can be fragmented, isolated, and empty, Rooted allows you to experience a different way of life as you connect with God, the Church, and your purpose. Through this experience we hope you will be emboldened to live out your calling as a radical follower of Jesus. The word "radical" comes from the Latin root "radix," meaning "a root." By rooting ourselves in God's Word and His truths, we have a firm foundation on which we love the world.
Throughout these devotions, we have included stories from great leaders and pastors from all over the world to broaden your perspective-and challenge your understanding of the global Church. When we listen and learn from believers around the world, we gain a deeper understanding of the whole Gospel.
Rooted is a significant commitment. We want to be up-front about that, but anything worth doing involves a certain amount of sacrifice. During this 10-week experience, you will engage in 7 Rhythms, one of which is daily devotion which will help you build the habit of being in God's Word and connecting with Him daily. This will be key as you grow in your relationship with Him and connect more deeply in community when you meet with your group to talk about what you've learned each week. You will be surprised what happens when your group gathers and begins to share honestly. As people open up and share personal stories, feelings, and questions, the Holy Spirit moves, and God reveals new truths. This is where transformation happens There are three additional experiences designed to deepen some of the areas we will explore. We'll pray and fast together, share our faith stories, and serve together. On top of these experiences, we'll also discuss where we are in our journey with Jesus. No matter where you stand in your relationship with Jesus at the beginning of Rooted, there is always room to move forward. For some of us that may mean deciding for the first time to follow Jesus and/or get baptized. For others it will mean letting go of the things of this world to follow His call more courageously. You will be marked by defining moments like these. After our 10 weeks together, you will join with all the other Rooted groups to celebrate the journey. Our hope is that you will continue these rhythms as your spiritual journey continues beyond Rooted.
Come with an open heart and mind, and see how God will surprise you!
Too many of us are held captive by the "normal" and "ordinary" dreams and desires common to modern culture. Yet as followers of Jesus we are called to live a radically counter-cultural life. Radical, from the Latin root "radix" means "a root." To live as a radical follower of Jesus is to be rooted in God's Word and truth and live a life that reflects His. However, this is not what we always see in our daily lives. In fact, many surveys show that Christians are just as likely to embrace lifestyles as consumer-driven, self-centered, and immoral as those not professing to be Christ-followers.
American churches have traditionally relied on theological information as the primary activator for life-change. While information certainly has a place, it should not be the only way the Church invites people to participate in God's story, Christians in the Western world know a lot of information, but don't often experience the life transformation promised in Scripture. We know that salvation is a free gift from God-there is nothing we can do to earn it. But, being a follower of Jesus comes with a cost. As we learn what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, we learn we must offer Him our time, our hearts, and our very lives in order to fully embrace the extraordinary life He has for each of us.
Mariners church wanted to create an experience that bridged the disparity between what we say we believe and how we live. We wanted something that would be experiential and transferable across all ages, stages, and even cultures.
In 2008, Mariners began a partnership with Pastor Muriithi Wanjau and Mavuno Church in Nairobi, Kenya, and we quickly learned they had a similar passion to see people encounter God and grow deeper in their relationship with Him and His Church. During one of our visits to Mavuno, they told us: about an experience their church family was going through that had been developed by Pastor Murithi. They called it Mizizi, Swahili for "roots." It wasn't a Bible study, class, or program, and it wasn't "taught" in the traditional sense. It was a 10-week journey with daily devotions that each member of their church went on in community with each other. Groups of men and women would gather each week,and through a study guide and a facilitator, walk through Scripture and discover God's purpose for them in their church family and the world. The impact of Mizizi on their church was staggering. Thousands of people discovered for the first time that God loved them specifically and had a beautiful plan for their lives. They learned God has gifted each of them perfectly for His purposes. They learned how to pray and how to unleash the power of His Spirit. They learned about Jesus' heart for serving the poor, His ability to destroy Satan's strongholds in their lives, and how He wants them to steward the material resources He's given them When one fully grasps the fullness of God's plan for his or her life, one can't help but go out and do it. And that is exactly what was happening at Mavuno Church. People were reaching their community with the love of Jesus, people were discovering they are called to be fearless influencers of society, and their community was changing. Mavuno could hardly keep up with the growth of Mizizi because family members and co-workers who didn't go to church or have a relationship with Jesus were signing up in droves. They saw their friends and family members' lives change before their eyes, and they wanted to know why and how it was happening. The Good News was proving to be really good news when tested. It was astounding to witness. We wondered what God might do if we brought Mizizi to Orange County.
We began to work with Pastor Murilithi to adapt the Mizizi experience to our culture while keeping the spirit of the original work. We prayed God would use it in the lives of our staff and church family, and He honored our prayers. As people moved through this experience, it became clear it wasn't the curriculum that was changing lives--it was God. People came with open hearts, expectant of what God would show them. And He did not disappoint. Relationships were mended, strongholds were broken, and people sensed God's call to go out and change their communities in ways they never thought they could.
We believe God has brought us to a place of honesty and vulnerability like we`ve never experienced before. We have come to a place of desperation--individually and as a church where we say, "God, we don't know how to do this, Please do this for us and through us." In that humility, God comes near and slices through the many facades we have constructed over the years. This has renewed our commitment to becoming authentic, transparent, wholehearted people. It was, and is, astounding to watch this remarkable shift in the culture of our church. Since we began this journey, Rooted has been adopted into churches across the nation and translated into many different languages. As Rooted & Mizizi's impact continues to grow, we want to expand your understanding of God beyond our Western context. Our hope and prayer is that by the end of Rooted you'll have heard God's instruction and live more passionately and purposefully for Christ.
They devoted themselves to the apostles, teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer: Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
Acts 2:42-47
It is our desire to promote a safe environment for sharing the most important things in life. We want to provide a place where people can reveal openly and confidently the broken areas of their lives without judgment or condemnation. We are not here to "fix" one another. We encourage openness, vulnerability, and intimacy during discussion and prayer times. In order to ensure a safe haven for personal sharing, we ask that each Rooted participant enter into an agreement of confidentiality.
Additionally, to get the most out of this experience, our hope is that you make a commitment to attend all sessions and participate in the group discussions. If you cannot be there, group dynamics will be impacted. If you know you will miss more than two group meetings, we ask that you attend a different session of Rooted.
I agree to the following;
_________ I agree to attend all group meetings
_________ I agree to keep all things shared by my group members confidential at all times.
Sign __________________________________________________________________________________
Story: Kenya
Take a city. Take a Continent. Win the World. - Mavuno Church, Nairobi, Kenya, Pastor Muriithi Wanjau
Mavuno Church, Nairobi, Kenya. There is a popular side-dish known as ugali in Kenya and Tanzania. This starchy, polenta-like food goes by different names in sub-Saharan Africa. In Malawi and Zambia, it is called nsima or nshima. The South African name for it is pap or mealie pap. Zimbabweans call it sadza. The funny thing is, there is no one recipe for it. If you search the Internet, you will find many entries on how to make it, and each one is different.
I believe the Church thinks the same way about making disciples. Every place of worship has a different recipe. Some think the world is ignorant, so we must focus on teaching and education. Some churches believe the world is sick and in need of deliverance, so they focus on counseling and icaling, There are churches who believe that the world is evil, and Christians must separate themselves from the rest. Some churches believe the world is lost, and people need salvation and rescue from Hell. There are churches that focus on compassion, believing the world is needy and hurting.
All of the above statements are true of our world. All of these churches are focusing on good things. But, can good sometimes become the enemy of the best? Can focus on these things divert us from what is truly essential, the all-encompassing core-calling that Jesus left for His followers to turn ordinary disciples into fearless world-changers?
At Mavuno Church, we developed Miziz i(Rooted) as a first step into the spiritual journey of becoming fearless world-changers. Being a disciple of Christ is more than a 10 week journey, however. It's our life's work.
Mark 3:13 says,"Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to him those he wanted, and they came to him." Here, Jesus chose His disciples, engaged them in a life-transforming process, and eventually released them to change the world. He does the same thing today.
When we choose to follow Jesus, He brings us from complacent to consumer. In the verse above, He called out to people. In other passages in the Bible, Jesus tells parables about searching for the one lost sheep, the lost coin, the lost son.
He speaks the language of our culture and calls us from our lives of complacency to a life of fullness and riches in His Kingdom. Salvation is a free gift, but it's not enough for us to simply consume the gospel. A church of consumer Christians can become a very selfish church. We can become focused on meeting our own desires. From Jesus, we learn that the next step is….
From consumer to connected. Relationships in community are key to maturing in Christ. Jesus knew this when He gathered the disciples together. They worked together, ate together, asked questions, and learned from Jesus together. It is very difficult to grow in our relationship with Christ without people walking through life with you, celebrating wonderful moments, and grieving tragic losses. We love and serve each other and our communities like the disciples did. But being connected with others in a life group will only take us so far in our faith. There must be another step.
From connected to committed. The apostles used their gifts with authority. God has gifted us uniquely as well and, as His followers, we can use them to serve our communities. In humility, we understand that we really can make an impact for God's Kingdom, that He has set a purpose for us, and that it's our charge to fulfill that purpose. But, serving is just a step towards something even bigger. The last step we learn from Jesus' example is...
From committed to compelled. In Acts 2, we read that the early Church went out, preaching, teaching, and baptizing believers and the Church grew. They were compelled by the vision given to them and by their own experiences to tell others about the Messiah. So too, we are compelled to tell our friends and neighbors that Jesus has made a difference in our lives. Matthew 28:18-19 says, "Then Jesus came to them and said, 'All authority in heaven and on Earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.""
It is our responsibility to be ambassadors of Jesus in every sphere of our influence. Our identities are as believers in Him, who happen to have jobs as a doctor, or plumber, or teacher. He has placed us in those situations for a specific purpose: to reach those around us with the love and healing power of Jesus Christ, and
To change that industry or vocation so it becomes an outpost of God's Kingdom influence!
When we begin to recognize that God has placed us as His agents to bring His influence into our communities and vocations, we see change. As people are attracted to a relationship with Jesus because of the way we live, families change. Neighborhoods change. Cities change. When a city has changed, it garners the attention of its country, then its continent. And, when a continent has changed the world will notice. The world will be won for Jesus Christ.
It's a breathtaking thought to realize that God did not just create us to be born, grow up, make money, and then die. His power of transformation is available for each of His followers who dare to live a life of fearless influence. I have seen many people embrace this truth, experience dramatic transformation in their own lives, and then take that transformation to their families, workplaces and communities. 'This is the recipe for change. God created us to be world-changers!
You were born to be fearless. You were born to change the world.
Thank you for reading this introduction. Pray for your group that God will stir everyone’s heart to persevere to the end.