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What is it?

Since the Jewish Sabbath begins 18 minutes before sundown on Friday & ends after the first three stars appear in the sky on Saturday,
Anderson Baptist Church thought it would be fitting to have a time of corporate prayer & fasting
to begin each Friday night at 6pm & end on Saturday evening for the month of May.
*Please consult your doctor before fasting if taking medications or under care.

Our church is embarking on very exciting times. We have seen the Lord's hand move in mighty ways.
Increasing numbers, active ministries, vision for growth through Future Foundations building program, and renewal of sister churches are worthy of prayer.

We need to pray for God's guidance & direction.
We need His wisdom in all areas of our church.

What Should I Pray About?

Prayer Days: MAY 06-07
What to Pray For:
  • Church Revitalization projects regarding Reid’s Prairie and Harmony.
  • People to work & minister. Building supplies & workers.

Prayer Days: MAY 13-14
What to Pray For:
  • A new youth minister as well as a tech and media person.
  • Pray for all of our staff & deacons by name.
  • Pray for more music help at our Spanish church. Pray they are bilingual.

Prayer Days: MAY 20-21
What to Pray For:
  • DIRECTION for the Future Foundations program:
    • Property purchases.
    • Parking issues solved.
    • Possible adding on to the office.
    • Building supplies.
    • Funding.

Prayer Days: MAY 27-28
What to Pray For:
  • For people to come to know JESUS.
  • Mission trips to Honduras.
  • Kids & Youth Ministry Camps.
  • Food Pantry clients.
    • Pray we receive the grant for additions to the food pantry building (bathroom, road improvements, & awning).
