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Church Map


CLASS (AGE )  9:30 am // 11:00 am
Nursery  (Birth - 2 yo)  M2 // M2
Littles  (3 - 5 yo )  K2 // M8
Kids  (K - 4th grade)  K1 // K1
Bridge 56  (5th- 6th grade)  P2 // M3
Youth  (7th - 12th grade )  M10 // M3
Worship   (All ages)  M3 // M3
Spanish Worship  (All ages)  Sanctuary // Sanctuary
Men's Life Group  (Men)  Reception // NA
Women's Life Group  (Women)  Conf. Room // NA
Men's/Women's Life Group   (Combined Adults)   NA // Conf. Room


CLASS  (AGE)  6:30 pm
Nursery  (Birth - 3 yo )  M2
Kids  (PreK - 4th grade)  K1/K2
Bridge 56  (5th - 6th grade )  P2
Youth   (7th - 12th grade)  M10
Adult Bible Study  (All ages)  Sanctuary