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International Missions
Honduras Trips


April 14th-19th // Casa De Ester Holy Week Trip
July 1st - 8th // Honduras Construction/Food Distribution
July 8th - 15th // Medical Trip
July 17th-22nd // Case De Ester Trip
***If paying online, please PAY THE FEE for your trip so church will receive full trip payment.***

Honduras Mens Trip January Recap

In January we took a team down to El Naranjal, Honduras. Our focus on this trip was to finish indoor construction on a housing facility that we started building last summer that will allow us to house more teams on future mission trips and the building to be used for multiple purposes, including a place for a seminary to be started in a little village of El Naranjal! Our team had a great trip, made a lot of progress, and enjoyed being able to fellowship with everyone down there.

January Mission Trip Questions

Why did you decide to go on this particular trip to Honduras? Why at this time/season of Life?
Glenn: I felt a deep call to go on this trip because I believe it was part of God’s plan for me at this moment in my life. There was a sense of urgency and peace that stirred within me about the Mission trip. I had been praying for guidance, and the opportunity to serve in Honduras seemed like a natural answer to those prayers. It is a place that not only has great needs but also, both in its people and its culture. I felt drawn to serve there, to witness God’s work in their community. 

This season in my life has been a time of reflection and growth. I have felt a desire to step out of my comfort zone, to do something bold in faith, and Honduras seemed to be the perfect place to put that into action. At this point, I have grown in my relationship with God. I have also been blessed in ways that I felt called to share, especially in a place where resources are limited. It was a time of both personal renewal and of stepping into a role where I could serve others with Gods guidance.

Phil: I decided to go on this particular mission trip because I wanted to get more involved in the church and meet other men that go to our church.

Why did you feel this was an important/necessary mission?
Glenn: This was a divine call; the previous year (2024) was extremely difficult for both my family and me. This was an important opportunity for me to draw closer to God and collaborate with Godly men on a project for His glory. I worked on the electrical for a building that will be used to house people who will assist God's work in Honduras. 

Phil: I feel that it is important because it shows the people down there that they have brothers and sisters in Christ that care about them and want to help them continue to spread the gospel.
What did you do while on your mission trip? Can you provide a brief summary or a “day in the life”.
Phil: I personally did work that I traditionally wouldn’t do in my current day to day.   We were building a 4 unit housing complex for missionaries to use when they come to visit.  My role was assisting with the electrical wiring and also plumbing.  I learned a lot while down there as these are are things I had never done before.
What type of evangelistic engagements did you have?
Phil: My ‘God’ moment came during church services.  Getting to worship and see everyone’s joy when being surrounded with community was truly amazing.
If you could share with someone who is contemplating going on a mission trip, what would you say to them?
Glenn: If you are uncertain about participating in a mission trip, my advice is to go. There will always be reasons to refrain, such as work or family obligations, but these should not keep you if you feel called by God. We are fortunate in Texas and throughout America, yet Honduras is home to wonderful people who, despite their financial challenges, lead good lives. It is essential to share God's message globally, and you can play a role in a mission. You are not required to preach or teach; simply being present for God's work can deeply change the lives of those in Honduras, demonstrating how God is active in your life.

Phil: I’d say, ‘Do it.’  This was my second time going on a mission trip and each time has left me feeling extremely grateful for the experience.  You will get an opportunity to experience a different culture, new foods, some free time to slow down and spend in the word, praying or just relaxing.   You also get an opportunity to do work pushing the kingdom forward.  I just got back and am already signed up for my 3rd Mission trip this coming April.